You probably are aware that Facebook is the most popular social media platform today. And yes, Facebook can be used as a marketing platform as well. Kuza Biashara has some simple tips that you can use to take your business to the next level – by a simple click of the mouse button.
Step 1: Create a Facebook Page
Avoid using your personal profile as a marketing platform. Instead, create a separate Facebook page with the name of your company. Invite a few of your friends and urge them to invite their friends on your behalf. This way you’ll build a small but warm community around your business. Click here to create a Facebook page for your business.
Step 2: Join a Variety of (Popular) Groups
Join a couple of niche-specific groups. For example if you are a poultry farmer (Kenya), you will want to join a group like Poultry Farmers in Facebook. If you want to learn the latest business ideas in Kenya, you can like a popular page like the Kuza Biashara one where we keep posting fresh ideas and tips for entrepreneurs. Another highly recommended group on Facebook is Business Ideas 101.
Step 3: Forum Marketing
Marketing in online forums can help you drive more traffic to your business with minimal effort. And the more traffic you get the better your fortunes get. In Kenya there are only two forums that specialize in business matters – that is the Wazua Forum and Kuza Biashara’s SME Guru platform.
Please keep in mind that different forums have their unique rules and regulations. For this reason it is important to first read the forum’s terms of service before you proceed to post anything. The best way to use forums for marketing is by adding a simple link leading to your Facebook page on the signature section. (We will be talking more about Forum Marketing in our upcoming articles).
Step 4: Time for Facebook Advertising
Posting on your page and in different groups alone may not yield much results in the short-run. So, what next? Think about paying for a Facebook advert. You can invest $5 (Ksh450) for a day long campaign and this might bring you over $50 (Ksh4500) in returns.
Remember before you roll-out a Facebook ad, it is important to familiarize with Facebook’s requirements. In case you would like to know how to do a simple Facebook Ad for your business, kindly contact our social media team. Click here to create your first Facebook Ad.
Step 5: Don’t Oversell
One of the biggest mistakes most Facebook page-owners make is focusing too much on delivering more sales at the expense of ensuring good user experience. Well, if your plan is to build a brand that will take over your industry, then you need to go slow on your sales tactics – at least for now. Instead of using a “salesy” tone every time you draft a post, try to use a friendly and engaging tone. For example, instead of saying “Please buy my merchandise today” or “Tafadhali ninunulieni tu leo”, you should say something like “We are glad to introduce ABCD to our stores, you might want to have a look at it…” Also, be sure to post useful updates from time to time. By useful updates we mean quotes, thank you notes, acknowledgement notes etc
Step 6: Go blogging
Now that you have established your presence on Facebook (and may be Twitter), it is time to take your game to the next level. Build a simple blog for your business. Where do I get the money to pay for a blog? You might want to ask. Well, interestingly, you don’t need a single cent to set up a blog. The beauty of a blog is that it allows you to communicate your ideas in details more than what you would do with a stand-alone Facebook page. (We shall be having more tips about blogging written soon, but in the meantime you can contact our social media team for some quick tips).
So, there you have it – the best recipe for taking your business online. Hope you enjoyed reading it. Please visit our Facebook and Twitter Pages today and let us engage more on this and other topics.